Sermon Archive 2022

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January 2, Zac Weaver, A Lively Hope – YouTube

January 5, Clair Zieset, Strength Made Perfect in Weakness – YouTube

January 12, Zac Weaver, Delighting in Your Family – YouTube

January 16, Matt Good, Redeeming the Time – YouTube

January 23, Leon Sensenig, Stay Focused – YouTube

January 30, Drew Sensenig, The Desert and Spiritual Growth – YouTube


February 2, Dan Burkholder, WBS Indulgence

February 6, Leon Sensenig, Christ Our Power Source – YouTube

February 9, Sheldon Kilmer, WBS Humility in a Selfie World – YouTube

February 13, Lester Zimmerman, Eternal Security: Conditional or Unconditional? – YouTube

February 20, Zac Weaver, A Lively Hope: A Call to Holy Living – YouTube

February 20 (Eve.), Panel Discussion – YouTube

February 23, Marvin Charles, WBS Thriving, Not Just Surviving, In Crisis – YouTube

February 27, Leon Sensenig, The Christian’s Confidence – YouTube


March 6, Brian Good, Learning from Balaam – YouTube

March 9, Jim Weaver, WBS Be A Barnabas – YouTube

March 20, Zac Weaver, Council Message: The Life of a Stranger – YouTube

March 23, Levi Brubaker, WBS Prayer: My Vital Breath – YouTube

March 27, Leon Sensenig, Truth – YouTube


April 4, Ray Weaver, The Book of Nahum – YouTube

April 17, Dale Weaver, Easter Message – YouTube

April 24, Zac Weaver, A Practice with a Purpose (Communion) – YouTube


May 1, Leon Sensenig, Little is Much when God is In It – YouTube

May 8, Zac Weaver, What is Your Legacy? (Mother’s Day) – YouTube

May 15, Jim Weaver, That it May Be Well With Thee – YouTube

May 22, Leon Sensenig, Create in Me a Clean Heart – YouTube

May 29, Drew Sensenig, The Heavens Declare the Glory of God – YouTube


June 5, Zac Weaver, Whom Shall I Fear? – YouTube

June 12, Lester Zimmerman, A Sheep, A Coin and A Son – YouTube

June 13, Summer Bible School, Jason Reed, Foundations for Life – YouTube

June 14, Summer Bible School, Jason Reed, Healthy Theology – Right Concepts of God – YouTube

June 15, Summer Bible School, Jason Reed, Identity – YouTube

June 16, Summer Bible School, Jason Reed, Jesus Define’s Forgiveness – YouTube

June 19, Logan Weaver, Father’s Day – YouTube

June 26, Leon Sensenig, Are We Doing Our Father’s Will? – YouTube


July 3, Zac Weaver, Stewards of Grace – YouTube

July 10, Ben Martin, Christ in Our Disappointments – YouTube

July 17, Leon Sensenig, Fear Versus Faith – YouTube

July 24, Steve Musser, Endurance – YouTube

July 31, Leon Sensenig, Do We Have Unity? – YouTube


August 7, Zac Weaver, Facts of Fire – YouTube

August 14, Lester Zimmerman, Beauty for Ashes – YouTube

August 21, Leon Sensenig, The Lord Looks at the Heart – YouTube

August 28, Zac Weaver, The Soul Never Dies – YouTube


September 4, Ray Weaver, Habakkuk: The Just Shall Live by Faith – YouTube

September 11, Leon Sensenig, The Blood of Christ – YouTube

September 18, Brian Good, Is Your Ear Pierced? – YouTube

September 25, Ray Weaver, The Book of Zephaniah – YouTube


October 2, Zac Weaver, A Team Spirit – YouTube

October 9, Leon Sensenig, The Church of the Living God – YouTube

October 10, Ed Myers, Revivals Message# 1: Prayer and Fasting – YouTube

October 11, Ed Myers Revivals Message# 2: The Holiness of God – YouTube

October 12, Ed Myers Revivals Night# 3: The Beggar and the Rich Man – YouTube

October 13, Ed Myers, Revivals Message# 4: The Grace of God – YouTube

October 14, Ed Myers, Revivals Message# 5: Are You Ready for the Trumpet? – YouTube

October 15, Ed Myers, Revivals Message# 6: Controlling Your Thoughts – YouTube

October 16, Ed Myers, Revivals Message# 7: The Cost of Following Christ – YouTube

October 16, Ed Myers, Revivals Message# 8: Lessons from Sodom and Gomorrah – YouTube

October 23, Zac Weaver, Be Vigilant – YouTube

October 30, Drew Sensenig, Unsinkable Faith – YouTube


November 6, Leon Sensenig – YouTube

November 13, Jim Weaver – YouTube

November 20, Lester Zimmerman – YouTube

November 27, Zac Weaver – YouTube


December 4, Dale Weaver, Overcoming the Devil – YouTube

December 11, Leon Sensenig, Walking Worthy of the Lord – YouTube

December 18, Zac Weaver, Anticipation in Advent – YouTube

December 25, Ray Weaver, Christmas Message – YouTube